Church of Ireland in Raphoe 1801

Some statistics on the Church of Ireland Diocese of Raphoe in 1801. This covers most of Donegal. Dr. Theaker Wilder was Rector of Tullyaughnish (Ramelton) from 1769 to 1777. It is not likely that the statistics would have changed much between then and 1801.

Church of Ireland Parishes, Raphoe Diocese, 1801

42 Parishes
43 Churches
25 Glebes


Glebe Houses

From: Sketches in Ireland by Rev. Caesar Otway

Patronage of 31 Raphoe Parishes in 1801

Crown 6
Bishop of Raphoe 15
University of Dublin 7
Lay 3


The Glebe land at Tullyaughnish comprised 1,214 acres according to Ireland and Her Churches by James Godkin, London 1867. Tullyaughnish was under the patronage of the University of Dublin (Trinity College). For more on Theaker Wilder please see this copy of the Wikipedia page or the current Wikipedia page.